Say it with me… A-ROZ-CAL-DO! (Arrozcaldo)
My idea of dinner this evening is to pan fry some salmon seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder with a little bit of olive oil and butter and of course some sautéed green beans on the side but when I talked my husband this afternoon, he didn’t sound very good. I know he’s not feeling well and I was right because he was at the doctor’s clinic when I called. Before I went home I decided to buy chicken thighs because I’m pretty sure that salmon won’t be appealing to someone who’s sick. My mom used to cook this chicken rice porridge for us when we are not feeling well so I thought I’d make it for my husband with his approval of course and I’m happy to say that he loved it. If you want to try it, it’s really very simple so I thought I’d share this recipe with you…
Ima’s Arozcaldo:
3 tbsps canola/olive oil
1 small onion
2 tbsps of chopped garlic
Pinch of Saffron
8 pcs. chicken thighs (whatever part of chicken you like)
2 cups of uncooked rice
1 large box of vegetable stock/chicken stock
Ginger (it depends how strong you like it…this is important to remove the funky taste of chicken),
Salt and Pepper
Fish Sauce (optional)
¼ cup crunchy fried garlic
Chopped green onions
Place the pot in medium heat, add oil and onions once they are translucent then add garlic. Once the chopped garlic turns light brown add the chicken. Let the chicken brown then add rice, saffron, ginger and stock then cover the pot. Let it boil/cook until rice is cooked; make sure that the porridge is not too thick in consistency. If so, just add more water or if you have extra stock that’s even better. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Before serving add chopped green onions, fried garlic on top and a wedge of lemon on the side. You can serve it with fish sauce too if you like.
*Many people are allergic to fish sauce so it’s safer to ask first.
*You may also add some hardboiled eggs if you want an extra topping.
*This doesn’t guarantee that you will feel better but I’m pretty sure if you eat it, take your medicine and get some rest… you will. :)
Where to find fish sauce:
*In some major grocery stores they have it but you’ll have more chance of getting one in an Asian store of course.
*Arozcaldo by the way means hot rice.
*Arozcaldo or Arrozcaldo doesn't really matter to me... they both sound good.
Hope you like it!